If you have decided it’s time to grow your hair out or just want thicker hair, you may be searching for tips and tricks. Growing hair can be a difficult process for some people, and easier for others. It comes down to genetics. However, there are a few natural remedies you can try to stimulate faster hair growth. Just remember consistency is key with any of these methods.

Massaging your head helps to stimulate the scalp, resulting in fast-growing hair. Doing this daily will improve the thickness of your hair, as well as help to relieve tension and stress. This remedy works like a charm, not to mention it feels great!
Vitamins and Oils
Vitamins and oils are a great way to help your hair grow at a fast rate. Try taking an omega supplement. Omega fatty acids have been proven to improve hair density, resulting in less hair breakage and loss. They also boost your immunity! Coconut, rosemary, olive, and Argan oil are just a few of the oils that help to stimulate hair growth. Try using these natural oils while massaging your scalp for better results!
Eating well is key to healthy hair. Some foods you may want to make sure you are eating regularly are berries, eggs, avocados, spinach, and nuts. These foods contain vitamins and nutrients needed for hair growth. Also, make sure you have a good daily amount of protein.
Did you know that regularly trimming your hair makes it appear thicker and healthier? While you grow out your hair, make sure you keep the ends tidy! DeRiah Boutique Salon is located in Mequon, WI, and we would love to have you in! Call 262.241.8899 to learn more about our hair services and book an appointment today!